Friday, January 24, 2014

Showcase your favorite thing. Different views of the same item under spot light in a showcase created by Photoshop.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In assingment 18 we added a soft-focus effect to a portrait that not only minimizes skin imperfections it also adds a romantic glow to the subject’s skin and still keeps the subject’s main features in focus.

Monday, November 25, 2013

15b Apply flag to brick wall. Create a painted effect look by overlaying an image distorted with a Displacement Map.The Displace filter is one of several Photoshop filters that require the use of a displacement map, which works like a texture map, placing the image over a grid that creates a textured look.

Monday, November 18, 2013

14. Create a jackolantern with a glow affect. Using a picture of an ordinary pumpkin I created a jack o lantern.

 13 We created a food bank ad promoting healthy eating. The add targeted young adults. Change one thing a day for healthier life.
 11.Create a flyer for NOCHE DE CIENCIAS. We applied filters to the images included on the flyer.